Walmart not accepting coupons anymore!

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Surprise surprise Walmart is no longer abiding by their own coupon policy and has now made their own rules when it comes to your printed coupons from which have their own security for printing manufacturer coupons, Walmart has decided to no longer accept them at all!

When I contacted my local Walmart manager I was told they no longer accept printed coupons but she wouldn’t give me a straight answer about the new policy at the location, which is not stated in their coupon policy anywhere she sounded ghetto and kept insisting that she wasn’t there so she don’t know why they confiscated them instead of accepting them.

Well I do Walmart has decided not to take legit coupons anymore! My coupons were not copied, had a clear expiration date, barcode and manufacturer information and instead of scanning them for my order I had to pay full price and they confiscated the coupons like they were illegal material!

This company is making it harder and harder for customers to use coupons at their locations, those same coupons would have been accepted by any grocery store so why won’t Walmart‘s SUPER CENTER accept them and why is this not mentioned in their coupon policy?

It’s all got to do with money apparently they are worried about getting their $3.00 back from the manufacturer. Walmart will not be my go to store anymore if they can’t follow their own coupon policy and have now decided to treat coupon users like criminals it’s time to shop elsewhere!

Ebates, are your Big Fat Checks on hold?

Ebates claims their users can receive Big Fat Checks for purchases made through their website, and promise these “Big Fat Checks” come every three months if you have more than $5.01 available in your Ebates account from cash back purchases. They also claim you just find your store and click their coupon link and that’s it your on your way to your next Big Fat Check. Not!

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In reality what long time customers have found is that not all their purchase credits arrive in their Ebates account, customer care is not there and their big fat check has been pushed out another three months and only Ebates knows why.

This well known site was great when it was not so well known. Now inquiries to missing tracking ticket purchases, and “Wheres my big fat payment” go unanswered because Ebates customer care doesn’t care anymore.

The best cash back site around is, sign up today and start receiving you cash back right away!

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