The Truth About The Property Tax Oiling Fee

As if us New Yorkers don’t already pay the highest property taxes around, which have gone up as much as $100 or more since Mayor Stephanie Miner took office, some home owners are burdened paying an additional fee for oiling every five years of $100 or more. If the home is located on city owned property that has no curb, the homeowners are charged every five years for an oiling fee, and guess who gets to make the decision of who has curbs and who doesn’t, the City, and if the City decides to put curbs in, the whole street must agree, and guess who gets to pay for it, the homeowners!

The City of Syracuse will tell you its because of the dirt produced from their no-curbed part of property that your home is located on, but many have just a little patch that couldn’t produce dirt if it tried. It is the Department of Public Works (DPW) trucks and heavy equipment that are tearing up the roads and dirt, and causing damage to home owners sewer pipes and vents, and the City of Syracuse refuses to respond, this is Mayor Stephanie Miner‘s ignore it and it will go away plan.

I think this fee is unfair and the city uses it to accumulate bigger tax payments from our escrow accounts, so much for the the property tax cap!

Don’t be blinded by EZ Eyes!

EZ Eyes Keyboard is no miracle keyboard it’s just another TV scam! Their website makes it seem like you get a keyboard and a mouse for $14.95 plus $7.95 for shipping and handling; plus get a second set for just processing and handling, but before you even get a total your order goes through for $101.60.

There is no way to email the company, and when you try to contact customer service by phone to cancel the order your told that the data has yet to be “down loaded” and to call back tomorrow. They boast that this keyboard is as nice as others that cost $60 or more, when in reality the EZ Eyes Keyboard will cost you over a $100.00.

They have this same keyboard at Walmart for $9.98,without all the hidden costs. Don’t be blinded by EZ’s double offer scam your better off struggling to see.

Trendy Top? Not!

The only thing trendy about the Trendy Top is the buy one get one free scam only doubled! If you order from their website or automated phone system they try to up sell you other offers, and you won’t get a purchase total until the credit card information has been entered. Once you notice the outrageous shipping and other unauthorized charges, it’s impossible to contact customer service to cancel the order.

These rags could wind up costing you over $100.00, I suggest you don’t even think about covering up your crack with this crap!

Order status:

Trendy Top™
P.O. Box 3179
Wallingford, CT 06494
Phone: 866-518-2290